Richard from Bournemouth Acupuncture explains how acupuncture can be used as a alternative to antibiotics.
On the 13th October 2017 England’s chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies, issued a call to action, warning that if antibiotics lose their effectiveness it will spell “the end of modern medicine”. In recent times antibiotics are have been greatly over prescribed. Patients are given little time with their doctors and generally ask for antibiotics for their virus, before exploring other options or assessing whether they actually need them. In turn it is a doctor’s duty to help the patient and give them something to help their situation. Many pharmacist have stated that the use of antibiotics for common colds is normally unnecessary and there are other medicines that can work just as well.
It is not just doctors who prescribe antibiotics. In modern agriculture antibiotics are widely used to treat herds of animals. This is a standard practice and often strong antibiotics can be used to treat the sick animal and then given to the whole herd to prevent the virus spreading. Once inside the animal they will be passed onto humans via consuming meat and dairy produce.
As a acupuncturist i see and treat many types of infection. A recent example was a patient who was suffering with a tooth infection. He had been taking antibiotics for two weeks but still had the infection. He came to see me and after one session his tooth stopped hurting and the infection cleared up.
Some other common cases i see are bladder infections, ear infections, infected wounds or bites, gastroenteritis, bugs, viruses, common colds, chest infections, coughs etc.
Fighting simple viruses like a common cold without antibiotics is generally better for you in the long run, as your immune system will become stronger and more resistant to colds in the future.
If you have any questions about how acupuncture can be used as a alternative to antibiotics please contact us